Thursday, March 5, 2015

This Isn't Your Daughter's Frozen


As I stood outside with my snow shovel in hand staring at the 10 inches of snow I could only think of one thing,  Frozen! No no not that Frozen! Instead of Olaf you get wild wolves tearing through flesh and bone. The tag line to this film is what got me. It read will do for skiing what Jaws did for swimming. Which is no lie. I've never been but after seeing this I'm thinking I might just want to stay away.

An hour into shoveling and my fingers are starting to burn and I'm thinking "wow those guys were in the cold for days." I can't even imagine how the cold felt after that length of time. I for surely would have given up much sooner than they did. Up until a few weeks ago I didn't even know that his movie existed. The convention I'm heading to next will have the writer/director there as a guest so why not take the opportunity to educate myself. Yes, it can be super cheesy and not logical at all at times but there are several scenes that will make you go OOOOOOHHHHHHHH and want to look away. Those are the best parts. Imagine waking up to find that your hand is frozen to a metal pole. The site of slowly ripping your own skin off to free your hand will make you go ugh in itself. 

My advice if you are looking for some suspense is to give this one a look. It's not terrifying but the possibility of freezing to death and being stuck high up on a ski lift will chill you to your core. My back hurts and I'm tired from shoveling so this is a quick one but I wanted to share where my thoughts go while I'm stuck outside in the cold. Always thinking movies! 

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Body Mod, Murder, Werewolf??? Katharine Isabelle

Katharine Isabelle and myself
(Hover hand action on my part in mid repositioning lol)

Best known for her role as Ginger in the film Ginger Snaps, Katharine Isabelle is one bad ass chick! Her list of films and tv roles goes on and on. I had the pleasure of meeting her last year in the convention circuit. It's another one of the moments where you almost forget how to speak. You know she knows she's beautiful, obviously she is an amazing actress, so what does one say upon meeting her. That always seems to be my problem when coming face to face with the stars. 

Unlike other stars I was able to walk directly up to her table with only one person ahead of me. My first thought was "did I just skip the line? are people waiting elsewhere and she only let's one approach at a time?" Nope! No line skip here. Wow! How can someone who has been in so many diverse films not have more people wanting to meet here. I guess that mystery will have to go unsolved. 

The table was lined with Ginger Snaps photos, head shots, and screenshots of her in Freddy vs. Jason. I see at the very end the one I had to have. American Mary. Don't get me wrong I love all the others but there is something about that film that takes my breath away. The extreme limits that people went to modify their outside to reflect their insides is incredible. Beware of major shock factor. They take it to the limit with this one and I think that's why I loved it so much. Push me to the edge and let me hold on by my fingertips. Some say it goes a little too far but I couldn't disagree more. 

Not all are willing to be modified. *spoiler* there is a rape scene but have no fear our girl Mary gets her revenge. She gives the man what is coming to him by practicing her new found skills of body mod on him. I guess that's what happens when you cross the wrong woman. After being hesitant to enter this new "field" of work I feel this is where she finds her footing and realizes it is the way to go. I mean come on, what med school student doesn't have mass bills to pay and is looking for easy money.

As you can see I have quite a passion for this one. It has gotten mixed reviews but my review is clear: WATCH IT! I must say loving the film so much made meeting Katharine an even more pleasant experience. She was extremely sweet and told me I was adorable with which I had to respond "No you are adorable!" If the opportunity arises for you I highly suggest you meet her as well. She didn't act like some huge star just going through the motions, as some celebs do. 

My question to you is... Would you get into an underground career of extreme body modification (ex: sewing up a woman's vagina and removing her nipples to make her like a doll) if the money was right? 

Movie Review: Killer Mermaid

Killer Mermaid IMDB

Netflix is chock full of horror movies and you have to weed through the bad ones to get to the good ones. Personally I am a fan of evil sea creature movies. Anything on SyFy dealing with sharks, an octopus, or a Piranha and I am in! So of course when I saw this title it was game on. Let's do this. I've got my coffee and the kids are in bed. Bring on the blood, guts, gore, and beauty.

Giving movies a fair shot sometimes means sitting through the first half hour of girls scantily clad (that's being generous, we all know boobs are just as big a part of a horror film as blood is) and bad acting. I'm watching and anticipating this mermaid to pop up at any given moment. They are in a boat, swimming in the water... NOTHING. I'm not one to quit on a movie no matter how much I'm not feeling it. Plus there's got to be a mermaid in here somewhere. Come on guys, it's the title of your film.

After almost a painstaking hour I am still awaiting the mermaids arrival because I feel as though when it does happen it is going to be epic. There she is. Finally. She was as glorious as I had thought she would be. Now let's get to the killing my beauty. I wanna see you rip someone to shreds. Well that's not really how it went down. I'm not into spoiling entire movies but I will say that she was not as killer as one would think with a movie being named after her.

All in all there was a lot of build up and the reveal of her is visually stunning but the plot was just not for me. I feel like they could have done so much more with such an amazing concept. If you are bored and looking for something to put on in the background that you can glance up at every now and again then I would say go for it but I wouldn't recommend making this your star film for movie night.

It's early and I'm only half way through my cup of coffee but I wanted to get this down while it was still fresh in my mind. Have you seen Killer Mermaid? What are your thoughts on this deadly beauty? Does she stack up to your expectations or does she fall short for you like she did for me?

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The Day I Met the Godfather of Zombies

Signed by the man himself Mr. George A Romero
(Insert fan girl squeal here)

If you know anything about horror, I bet even if you know nothing of it, then you know this man, George A. Romero! This was a big, scratch that, HUGE day for me. Not only because I got to meet the man himself, but because it was my first time attending a horror convention. In the days prior I had seen a link posted for the convention and thought "this is it! this is where I am meant to be". That morning I still wasn't positive that I was going to attend only due to circumstance but the stars aligned and I was on my way to a life changing experience and what would soon become something I look forward to every year.

Let me be honest with you, I was scared. I had no idea what I was getting myself in to. There were hoards of people around. Shuffling in and out of the vendors room lines. The tables were full items taken straight out of my wildest dreams. Knives, blood, and cosplay oh my! My head was spinning just taking it all in. I finally got the nerve to ask where the line for George Romero was.... Surprise surprise it was the one that was out the doors and alongside the building. I had come this far why not go all the way. So here I found myself standing amongst the strange and socially awkward and I fit right in with them. This was to be where I now feel most at home. These are my people.

Fast forward 3, let's count that together now 1,2,3 hours later I am in the next group to enter the stars room and my heart is racing. What do you mean I've been standing here for 3 hours and haven't thought of what to say when I get up there??? Don't be stupid I told myself. Breathe and act like a normal person, well as normal as you can be. Once I picked out my posters I was next in line. Shakily hand my money to the lady and BAM! There he is right in front of my face. He extended his hand for me to shake. HOLY CRAP I'm shaking George Romero's hand! Is hand washing the rest of my life really a necessity? (ok so that's going a little bit overboard but I totally thought it for .2 seconds)

He was not doing posed pictures as it had been a long day
and he still had hours left but he did welcome candids while
he signed your merchandise.YUP! That's what a happy me looks like!

Tongue tied and smiling like an idiot he signs my posters and I finally find my voice and tell him how amazing his work is and that I've been a fan since I was young. His movies were some of the first that introduced me to the genre. There was talk of the hotel's toilet paper and how he needed softer toilet paper... RANDOM but thanks for sharing George. When it was ti was time to part ways he shook my hand again and I thanked him about 3 times. He was just a sweet and kind old man.

The rest of my day was spent riding the high that I had actually met one of my idols and I knew that I would be back for more. I skipped through the parking lot to my car and immediately began to rub it in everyone's face via text/phone call. The posters began the start of a collection that I hang on what I call "my badass wall" when you first enter my home.

Drumroll please.... I present you, ME!

So this is me! Ok ok that's not what I really look like on a daily basis but if it was at all possible, IT TOTALLY would be. I am your average 30 year old stay at home mom of 2 amazing kids with a passion for all things horror related. This was my Halloween costume this past year. A lot of time and energy was put into perfecting my look. For those that don't recognize this face, I am portraying Heidi Hawthorne played by Sheri Moon Zombie in The Lords of Salem. The wig was actually a black wig meant to be a Jamaican style wig but it was the closet I could get to the dreads that I desired. After numerous trips to the hardware store and several cans of white spray paint, followed by a smell that one could only describe as simply nauseating I did it! My secret for the rest of my outfit... I bought it at the dollar store. It was basically fate. The sweater almost a perfect (minus the distressing that needed to be done) was hanging there in all it's glory next to a pair of red plaid pajama leggins (boxers are what she wore in the actual movie but I've got kids and let's face it, October is a cold time to be running around in barely there underwear). As far as my make up goes, I referenced a picture off the internet and free handed it. I'm gonna call it a success. I hope that you do too.

Enough about my costume for now. I seem to get wrapped up in my own head sometimes and lose track. I suppose I will take you on a journey of what it's like to be a me. Completely obsessed with horror movies, Halloween, and anything that will scare the pants off you or make you cringe in disgust. Love it all! From horror conventions and meeting some of my idols and just every day life and my own thoughts and opinions on films I watch and review.

I suppose I can show you the real me since you've stuck with me for this long.
(Warning: Hair color is subject to change at any moment)
Another Obsession of mine!